Safeguarding Consultancy, Training, Supervision, Auditing & Certification Services

We offer tailored safeguarding solutions to fit your organisations specific needs.
You will be guided by our dedicated safeguarding consultants with over 120 years or experience.

Interested in our Safeguarding Services?

Businesses we work with include

Businesses / organisations who work in educational settings

E.g. Mentors, Careers Advisors, Enrichment Providers, Youth Training or other Private Sector Providers

Businesses / community based organisations who primarily work with young people

E.g. Youth Groups, Sport Clubs, Scouts/Guides, Performing Arts Groups, Holiday Centres and Activity Clubs

Businesses / organisations who employ young people

E.g. Retail, Hospitality, Apprenticeship Providers, Work Experience Providers

Businesses / organisations who regularly encounter young people and, or vulnerable adults

E.g. Healthcare Providers, Police, Transport, Charities, Faith Organisations

Want to find out more? Call us on 01256 578 052 for a free consultation!
Steward House,
14 Commercial Way,
Woking, Surrey
GU21 6ET
Our HR, Safeguarding and Recruitment solutions will minimise risk, monitor your expenses but maximise your business opportunities.
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